Dates for the thesis pre-defence presentation
May 19th 2021, 9am, MS Teams (online), MSc Neurobiology students 
Dates for the thesis defence presentation
June 8th 2021, 9am, MS Teams (online), BSc Biophysics students
June 9th 2021, 9am, MS Teams (online), BSc Neurobiophysics students
June 10th 2021, 9am, MS Teams (online), MSc Neurobiology students 
VU Gyvybės mokslų cento (GMC) baigiamųjų darbų gynimų
nuotoliniu būdu aprašas

The thesis should be sumbitted using the information system of Vilnius University ( No later than 5 days before the official defence date. 

Students submit the thesis in digital format. Neithe the student, nor the supervisor need to sign the thesis. The thesis originality is confirmed in the infromation system of Vilnius university after the submission, i.e. tick the appropriate option. No printed version is needed. 

Decision of the supervisor to allow or not allow to defend the thesis is approved via email no later than 5 working days before the defence date. 

The reviewer should receive a digital copy of the thesis no later than 5 working days before the defence date. The review should be submitted two working days for the defence. It should be provided both for the student and the study program administrator. 

The student provides a digital version of the thesis to the study program administrator. 

Preparation for the thesis defence. 

The thesis defence will be held online using MS Teams Microsoft. All participants should make sure to have a stable internet connection, a working camera and a microfone. If a student cannot participate in the online defence from home, please inform Study department director Jolantą Bagvilę (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..l) or the deputy director for studies Ingridą Prigodiną Lukošienę (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). They will make sure to prepare a all the necessary equipment and appropriate hall. 

Study program administrator:

Janina Adomaitienė - BSc Biophysics and MSc Neurobiology programmes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);

Technical administrator: 

Dovilė Šimkutė - BSc Biophysics and MSc Neurobiology programmes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);